A lack of interprofessional education during training negatively impacts radiation immunity translational research teams. If immunologists and radiation/cancer biologists do not have a fundamental understanding of clinical radiation oncology and medical physics, they are unable to most effectively translate their expertise into clinical research in the most impactful way. Similarly, if clinical radiation oncologists and medical physicists do not have a fundamental understanding of radiation/cancer biology or immunology, they will be unable to design clinical and translational research protocols that most effectively utilize cutting edge bench and translational research.
To fill this interprofessional education gap, the ImmunoRadROBIN Cross Training Core designed the curriculum, “Fundamentals of Radiation and Immunity”. This “core” curriculum is virtually held bimonthly and available to all ROBIN participants. It consists in a primer course that includes foundational and introductory material on clinical radiation oncology, radiation/cancer biology (including radiomics), medical physics (including bioinformatics), and immunology.